Sunday, September 6, 2020


 MAYNARD'S APPLE PIE COOKIES - Maynard Pittendreigh

Cooking an apple pie means too many calories.  But a cookie is so small, what could be better?  

If you have the time for baking, you mix the crust, peel the apple and make the filling. But, also if you are in a hurry, it doesn’t mean that you can’t treat yourself with warm, juicy mini pies because the store bought ingredients really make the job easier. 

Make a pie crust, or take a ready-made crust from the store.

Coat one crust with caramel.  I take Kraft Baking Caramel and melt them and spread them.

Spread the apple pie filling, which I also buy from the store.

Cut the second pie crust into strips and cover the filling

Cut this into cookie shapes.

Sprinkle it with cinnamon-sugar and your mini pies are ready for the oven. 

After half an hour, you can pour yourself a cup of milk and enjoy your home made Apple Pie Cookies.

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